Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Portuguese postcard

The postcard show Terceira Angra do Heroismo (UNESCO).
The stamp show university and Royal item.

USA postcard

The postcard show San Remo Apartment of Emery Roth .
The card depicted western exploration of america artist stamp and rural area definitive stamp.

Malaysian postcard

The postcard show the Turtle island park of Sabah Malaysia.
The card depict marine life stamp and bird definitive.

USA postcard

The postcard show sexy Marilyn Monroe .
The stamps show toy car cartoon and monument tower of Washington.

Chinese postcard

The postcard show lonly hunter south lane.
The stamp is chinese greeting stamp.

Singapore postcard

The postcard show art card of pretty colourful birds.
It depicted Black march tortoise stamp.

Netherlands train postcard

The postcard show Netherlands train (Hogesnelheidstrein Thalys, ICE, TGV,sprinter)
The card depicts windmill stamp and funny clown stamp.

Portuguese postcard

The postcard show Terceira Angra do Heroismo (UNESCO). The stamp show university and Royal item.